Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Do I Respect My Finance Enough to Make a Spending Plan?

When we deal with budget or a spending plan we are talking about discipline and stewardship.   Sometimes, just thinking about this process can be an overwhelming to those of us who never had the experience of it.  However, I just want to encourage you by saying that you don’t have to be intimidated or overwhelmed by it any more.  Remember, for every discipline there is a small or a baby steps toward it; I encourage you to take the first step toward order and little by little it will lead you to freedom. 

Why do I need a spending plan?  What do I benefits from it?  Below I have listed the benefits of a budget and as you read each line stop and ask yourself if you can use or better your life.  I hope you take the challenge today to take a step (baby step) toward it.

Here are some of the benefits of a spending plan or budget.
·        You will avoid debt
·        You will have well balance life
·        You will spend with confidence
·        You will live within your means
·        You will be positioned to save
·        You will have peace of mind
Plain Truth
“Good planning & hard work leads to prosperity, but hasty shortcuts lead to poverty.”  Proverb 21:5

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