Monday, February 7, 2011

Choose a System of Budgeting that will work for you

There are different ways of organizing your financial information.  The question is which one are you comfortable to work with.  I am going to classify it in three places traditional budgeting, Software budgeting, and online budgeting.  Let’s look at each system. 

Traditional Budgeting – The first system is traditional approach which is using paper and pen. To assist you with this system there are so many work books you can get on the market to work with. is one website I found with a great bargain.  This website will provide you from personal finance work book to strategizing, building and establishing your finance for less than $10.00. If you like to visit this web click on on your left side and type “finance” on the search box.   Remember, you also can transfer your traditional way to electronic way by using Microsoft excel program.
Software programs Budgeting–The second system is software program.  Once you install the software then it will guide you step by step to complete your spending plan and so much more. Again there are many software programs on the market to choose from.   To start with you may choose to use “Crown Money Map Financial software” (with free 30 days trial).  Or “You need a Budget.     
Online Budgeting – is the third system that will also guide you to follow a step by step instruction. This system allows you to tap to your information at anytime, anywhere you are as long as you have a computer or mobile phone.  And again there are variety brands that offer this service too.  The one I personally work with is called “Mevelope”
In closing I like to suggest that before you start investing on any of these products,    to start organizing your information on a paper or computer (Please, look for some instruction and worksheet on my next blog).   Then, make your decision which system to use and work on it diligently.   

Plain Truth
“Get all the advice and instruction you can, and be wise the rest of your life.”  Proverb 19:20